Antoine (Tony) I. Jabbour, MD

Dr. Antoine I. Jabbour is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Primary Specialty
- Sports Medicine
- Knee & Shoulder Arthroscopy & Reconstruction
Undergraduate Education
University of Tulsa : 1983 - 1986
Medical Education
University of Oklahoma College of Medicine : 1986 - 1990
University of Oklahoma Orthopedic Surgery Residency : 1990 - 1995
Sports Medicine, University of Chicago Medical Center : 1995 - 1996
Academic Appointments
Clinical Instructor, OU-Tulsa Medical College
In Practice Since
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
- American Institute of Ultrasound Medicine
- Arthroscopy Association of North America
- American Medical Association
- Tulsa County Medical Society
- University of Tulsa
Tony Jabbour, MD Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine
4802 South 109th East Avenue
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146-5822
(918) 392-1400