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  • Sports Enhancing Drugs - Androstenedione

    Sports performance-enhancing drugs are widely abused. More than one million Americans have taken anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). One fourth of these users are teenagers. In 1990, the Anabolic Steroids Control Act classified AAS as schedule III controlled substances; which means that these drugs are more difficult to obtain, since they are classified at the same level as narcotic medication. Androstenedione however, is not under FDA restrictions, since it occurs naturally in Mexican yams and Scotch white pine. Androstenedione is now unrestricted in the United States in accordance with the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), but is it really a great sports-enhancing drug?

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  • Rotator Cuff Injury

    Rotator cuff injury is the most common cause of shoulder pain in adolescents and adults. The rotator cuff is made up of 4 tendons that come together to form a sheet of tissue that covers the shoulder joint. The rotator cuff (and not cup) powers and stabilizes the shoulder.

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  • Muscle Cramps in the Athlete

    Skeletal muscle cramps are one of the most common problems encountered in endurance sports. The specific cause has not been definitively studied. Also, the differences between the rate of muscle cramps in elite and recreational athletes is not known.

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  • How Well Do You Know Your Doctor?

    Most patients go to a physician because that’s the doctor that the family has been seeing for many years. If you are new in town, how do you pick a doctor? If your quick answer is the yellow pages then beware. Anyone, for a few dollars, can advertise in the Yellow Pages and they can claim that they are specialists. Anyone, after only one year of internship and without residency training can claim that they are specialists in any field; For example, Sport Medicine Specialist, cardiologist, or plastic surgeon. The Yellow Pages are only interested in placing an ad for a handsome fee.

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  • The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
  • aana
  • American Medical Association
  • Tulsa County Medical Society
  • The University of Tulsa